Everyone’s appearance is unique and this means that our noses can be naturally different shapes and sizes. But, bumps can grow that we don’t want and injuries can occur that alter the symmetry and shape of our nose.
Reshaping your nose does not have to involve going under a general anaesthetic. Non-surgical Rhinoplasty can transform the appearance of the nose, by using injectable dermal fillers. This procedure can be used to mould the nasal tip, correct a flat bridge or hump and even reduce nostril flare. The dermal filler is used to plump underneath the skin.


It is necessary to complete a consultation with our Doctor prior to receiving non-surgical rhinoplasty. This will involve discussing the areas of the nose you would like to change and to see whether dermal fillers will be the right treatment for you.
In addition, the Doctor can give you an idea about the results you can expect from the procedure.
If you have any questions, we will be more than happy to answer them using the consultation. If you decide to go ahead with non surgical rhinoplasty, you can arrange a treatment time and date that suits you.
You may require more than one treatment session, depending on the results you wish to achieve.


Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a less invasive procedure compared to a surgical ‘nose job.’ Dermal fillers will be used to correct the area of the nose that was discussed in your initial consultation.
This will be completed by the Doctor through a series of injections, using a fine needle. An Anaesthetic cream can be applied to numb the skin where the injections will be inserted. This will make sure that the patient is comfortable and experiences minimal pain during the procedure. One non surgical rhinoplasty session will only last around 20 to 30 minutes.
There is no doubt that dermal fillers is a simpler and faster alternative to surgery. It will also reduce downtime and after effects. A little swelling is normal immediately after the procedure, but this will decrease within 48 hours.
The injection sites might cause a small amount of bruising. But for women, this can be covered up with makeup. While your nose may feel tender for a couple of days, you are free to return to your daily routine immediately after treatment.



The results of non-surgical rhinoplasty are visible instantly after treatment. Many people have achieved the shape and size of the nose they desire through dermal fillers.
This can include transforming the nostrils, nasal tip and bridge, restoring symmetry with other facial features.
It is important to remember that the results of this treatment will be individual and different for every patient. In addition, while these results can last for up to two years, but this will also depend on the person receiving treatment.
A consultation will be able to tell you more about what you can expect.

Downtime: A little swelling is normal immediately after the procedure, but this will decrease within 48 hours. Bruising is also possible, which is easily coverable with makeup.
Preparation: The main preparation with this treatment is to have realistic expectations of what you are wanting achieve. It is also imporant to be aware of the possible risks involved. The doctor will go through all of this at your consultation and again prior to treatment.
Approximate Cost: Due to regulations regarding anti-wrinkle injections and their classification as a Schedule 4 medication, an approximate cost cannot be provided without a consultation with our Doctor.


Injectable Appointment Policies*

As of 1st July 2019 the following will apply to our injectable appointments:
– there will be a minimum charge of $75 for all injectable appointments (anti-wrinkle/dermal filler/fat dissolver) with Dr Mel.
– No-show appointments may incur a fee which will be required to be paid before further appointments can be scheduled.
– Management reserves the right to refuse appointments or treatment to clients who may not align with clinic values.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.